Saturday, November 19, 2011

Memorial Day Show Mixes

The glory of our one and only show can now live forever on the internet. Exactly 25% of the show has been mixed by our master keyboardist Evan Tice and is available online for your enjoyment:

Presstman Preachers Memorial Day Show First Draft Mixes

And don't forget that Music Day at the Loftus household is coming back: December 31st at 11am! UPDATE: The whole kit & caboodle is now available for your listening pleasure.

Presstman Preachers Memorial Day Show (Full Show)

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

It's official: Memorial Day Cookout & Concert!

The time is set! We are doing our live show (which, coincidentally, happens to also be Matthew, Maggie, & Jon's graduation party, Peter's farewell party, Mike's welcome-to-Sandtown party, and a great party for folks who happen to be friends with Ellen, Evan, Tim, Paul, or Scott) on Memorial Day, May 30th. The show is tentatively scheduled to start at 4pm with the grilling starting at 6pm. Please come join us! Invite your friends! It's gonna be an awesome party, we're going to play some fun music, and your presence can only make it more awesome.

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Our show!

Hey folks!

We are delighted to announce that we will be having a live show at Theatre Project in Baltimore on May 30, 2011 (Memorial Day!) There will be meat grilled, songs played, and much fun had. We will be using this blog and our facebook page to reveal more and promote what we're doing-- our goal is to play an entertaining concert for YOU-- so keep coming back for more!